NearTopia, Micro Nation, Micronation, United Leage of Micronation,



What Is NearTopia?  -  Citizenship  - Government StructureFlag of NearTopia - ULoMN? - NearTopian money -

 -  Citizenship  -


To Obtain citizenship it is first suggested you read our charter laws and declaration of independence.

This in itself will almost always guarantee citizenship as this is no small task.  These are actual laws and structures that are in practice for NearTopia.  You can not simply skip this test and there will be a citizen test in regards to your knowledge base of said materials.

As stated before this is not a Game, and this is not simply a white paper thesis.  This is an actual MicroNation with real people and real interactive environments.  Do not take Citizenship lightly, Treat this as if you where going to leave your nation of origin and start over in another nation.

It is required to give a physical mailing address, and real name, with proof of current citizenship.  You will be mailed physical real documents for confirmation and also you will be issued citizen ID documentation and passport information for initial entry with in NearTopia.  This includes access to our citizen board, and access to our virtual presence within cyberspace within the EDMMO when it is launched.

Citizenship has a nominal fee however this will be refunded to you in NearTopian currency which is Real Legal Tender used within our intellectual borders and Legal tender when dealing with other NearTopian Citizens for Debits and Trade, for Public and Private transactions, so you do get something for anything you pay for.

Citizen issues and voting is done online, with physical mailed voting ballots which are mailed to you with codes attached, The codes are used to confirm your votes online. 1 time disposable codes, this is to verify you, as a code can only be used once, and prevents vote fraud and flooding so each person is truly represented with one voice.

As with any new nation, there is work to be done, however the rewards are great.