NearTopia, Micro Nation, Micronation, United Leage of Micronation,



What Is NearTopia?  -  Citizenship  - Government StructureFlag of NearTopia - ULoMN? - NearTopian money -

 -  Government Structure  -

Please note this is an involved read, not a light glaze over.  Take time to read it all.

Our Government structure is much different then what is currently considered as a representative republic (U.S.) or democratic structure (voted in leaders.) This is a Hybrid government structure that includes some current structures and also new structures outside of what is considered normal for government structure.

1st off; this form of government was designed with people in mind, not what is traditional known as government.  As with all nations and governments.  when they start off they are great when they are small, however when they get to a certain point where the government gets stronger then the citizens it is supposed to serve a fundamental power shift takes place which changes it from a service structure to a ruling structure.

For the most part the people then become controlled by the same government that is supposed to be controlled by the people.

(Example) If everyone in the U.S. decided they wanted a different government structure, the government would move to prevent the people from making such a change in that they could and would declare martial law and enact military structures and civil law enforcements to prevent any such movement.  Where as if the government was truly in the service of the citizens it would be restructured according to the citizens wishes without blood shed or such drastic resistance.

(Please note this is an Example and does not represent actual situations or imply such actions would/should occur.)

The U.S. has been through a lot, including two world wars and massive amounts of organized criminal activities, and terrorist attacks that it was/is required to deal with, which is why the government has been built into a position of where it control's the citizens on fundamental levels instead of being more service oriented.

NearTopia structure is different in the following ways:

A: Our government structure does not have an electoral collage, everyone has a vote, not simply a party representation.

B: We have Three presidents that act as the single office of the Presidency, not one person and their single viewpoint.

C: We have three fundamental "parties", though they are not designated "Parties" in the term that the rest of the world understands them.  They are the Red, Blue, and Green Forums.  Each forum singly represents the structure for which they are designed to represent so they can focus all of their resources in such matters.

    Red Forum represents the financial structure of our government:  Business Laws, Businesses large and small, economic matters and economic international matters, this also deals partly with 1 part of the national income and taxation structures.

    Blue Forum represents the "human factor": Humanity, civil laws, social programs, and such topics as medical, food and drug regulations and things that deal directly with human intervention and interaction, human safety, quality of life issues, and religions and spiritual matters.  This forum also deals with 1 part of the nations income and taxation structures.

    Green Forum represents the environment:  Land management, pollution regulation, land and development laws and regulations, national resources such as parks, resource management like forestry, mineral, oil, renewable and non-renewable energy sources and such.  This forum also deals with 1 part of the nations income and taxation structures.

  Each Forum structure goes from the basic person on the street up to the cabinet of the president. So any one position that is world tradition to be ran from a single person is run by three people, each one from each forum so any one position is equally represented by all recognized levels of the citizenry, that being economics, the citizens, and the environment instead of just one lobbied position.

   It has been observed and noted that there is no single one person who is capable of running any nation with the worlds current population level.  Regardless of what is going on, one or more of the three fundamental structures of society will be ignored or degraded in favor of one of the other structures.  As is the issue with political party structures, and with political competition for control over government structures.

  So in this structure in all legal and administrative structures three people represent a particular office instead of one.  This is a means of check and balance for any one view point.  Here is why..


  The oldest government structure is a dictatorship, kings, pharos, etc. where one person forces their structure on everyone else. some good, mostly bad.  Democratic structures still adhere to this structure in a manner of one person is still calling the shots and at times largely without input or ignoring input form others.  Though yes there is options for impeachment, the problem is, the damage is already done or piles on problems for the next administration who can't seem to repair things. Thus the actions of one person can have repercussions for future generations as it becomes accepted practice or structure for governments who are not willing to release power once they have achieved it, even if it was a promised "temporary" structure.  It becomes permanent. So simply electing a person into position does not stop political corruption and/or wanton dictatorship from a given position if they can push their view point with no required input, which is how most positions are currently constructed.

  Our structure does not allow any one person to have any type of absolute power.  Our structure requires the input and view point of the three fundamental  needs of any nation without ignoring them.  Though some decisions may not require a view point form any other forum, such as a business law that deals with financial fraud, the fact is, there is balance to all issues brought to the table for negotiation or in action.

   Each forum will vote in the best person for the job in representing the forum in question, such as a financial and business expert, a land management expert and a humanity and spiritual leader.  Though some feel humanity and spirituality should be left out of government, the issue is most of the world conflict today is due to difference in opinion on how people should live or how they should deal with religion and or spirituality.  This has to be accounted for in all major dealings.

  Also note by having designated forums.  instead of party structures, then there is no power issues, in such an example, of Democrats and Republicans within the U.S.  Where the best person may in fact be a republican, however in a Democratic ruling majority, the person who has the matters of the citizens "pulse" in hand, will not be able to provide a sound structural service for the U.S. citizens because the Democrats will intentionally sabotage the Republicans attempts to make a better place for citizens.  This is a common occurrence and is pretty much guaranteed.  Not because the Democrats are wanton in their desires to harm the U.S. citizens, but because the government is so polarized that they feel it is duty to undermine and destroy any efforts of any republican who may become too "popular" with the U.S. citizen base simply because the Republican does not represent The Democrat party.

As such the governmental issues are no longer about people, but what kind of power a particular party can exercise while in office, even if it means sacrificing citizen rights, citizen security, their future well being, or ability for the U.S. citizens to express their view point as a whole.


  In NearTopia structure, there is no Democratic or Republican battles, it is individuals who determine the office, there are no "Party Tickets." In that each office position is voted separately, so the President is voted on separately then the Vice president for example.  You simply get the best person for the position.  There is no special lobbying for a particular issue which gives one issue special treatment, such as big business over humanity or environmental issues.  Each Item gets it's own representation.  Businesses gets a voice, People gets a voice and the environment gets a voice. You simply vote a person in for each forum on the persons own merit to do the job right.

  This is the best solution for check and balance with the current issue of political structure, struggle and tendency for corruption when government structures get more powerful then the citizens in question.

This tri-forum structure allows everything to be equally represented but does not allow any one person to dominate anyone else.  Check and Balance which no government today provides, such tools to provide the best possible representation of everything their citizens represents as a society.

The voice of the office requires majority, or unanimous. So it requires two people to agree or all three people to agree for the office in question to present an action from that office, again, depending on the action required.  In current world government, at times, it only requires the snap judgment and decision of a single person, regardless of citizen wants or requests, and in a lot of instances there is no grievance to the decision being made.

  In our structure, it would require the unanimous vote of such an action by three people in the position of Governor to declare an actual emergency, and simply stating not getting the wanted new tax, is not a state of emergency.

  Courts and legal structures also follow this structure. On any legal hearing, there is three judges who provide over a case. Red, Blue and Green forum Judge who specialize in their forum structure so any case being heard and judged will get a balanced and fair view and hearing.  There is a structure for a jury, and legal council however as with executive government legal matters also need a check and balance against a singular, dictator type, view where as a single judge can hand down sentencing according to their own view point.

  There has been situations where the legal system is just as corrupt and uncontrolled as the government structure, especially when you get a single personality who is unable to properly deal with the amount of singular power that is granted them over the citizenship.  This also helps balance and check and seat of power in favor of the citizens structure over the governments power over its citizenship.