NearTopia, Micro Nation, Micronation, United Leage of Micronation,



What Is NearTopia?  -  Citizenship  - Government StructureFlag of NearTopia - ULoMN? - NearTopian money -

 -  NearTopia Flag  -

The Break down of the Flag of NearTopia:

Colors & Meanings:

Red, Blue, and Green Bands represent the three basic structures of humanity and human beings, being of Red=Body, Blue=Mind, Green=Spirit.  It's a reminder of how a person is made up of many separate parts yet is one.  Just as our government is made of many people yet is of one.

The Green, Blue and Red Triangles represent the Three prongs of governmental structure that represents the nation as a whole and should always be represented as a whole: Green=Environment, Blue=Citizens, and Red=Business infrastructure.

The Black circle represents how the government should always be constricted within the citizenship and not dominating over citizenship, The White space between the triangles represent the position that citizens have dominance over any particular government structure.

The White stars represent citizens, and how those within the government need to remember that citizens are central to any structure.  The White stars outside of the triangles represent the people who shall always have equal control of the government.

The three black lines going from the triangles to the opposite star through the white to the black circle represents how the citizens must always keep in mind the line of control over government structure so that NearTopia will never become corrupt or bloated with governmental power as government structure is everyone's responsibility, and as such everyone must be involved with the government structure to prevent and degradation and corruption.

Unlike other flags that show the nation or ruler as power or representing the governments strength, this flag represents the structure and power of the citizen as a whole and the citizens who control the nation, not the other way around.