NearTopia, Micro Nation, Micronation, United Leage of Micronation,



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NearTopian Currency is for real?


How Do I get NearTopian Skins?

  NearTopian Skins is actually (in real life) backed by gold, so for citizen to citizen transactions, this actually  has more value then say, a U.S. Dollar.

  At the time of it's inception,  the NearTopian Skin is locked in (and permanently set at) $1000 Skins NearTopian backed by 1 Troy oz of gold bullion.  At the time of this web page update, the market was at $694 U.S. for 1 Troy oz of gold bullion, which makes the NearTopian skin valued at $0.70 U.S.D.

  Though for NearTopians the value of $1 skin is, and always will always be, 1/2 hour of basic labor.  As per the labor designated value. (it has a built in anti-inflation structure so it does not get devalued like all other Fiat currency does.)

Please Note:  The NearTopian Skin is not honored from Non-NearTopian citizens DO NOT SPEND NearTopian SKINS on the international Market!, you should only use NearTopian Bucks on the international Market, NearTopian citizens are under no legal obligation to accept or honor Skins from Non-NearTopian citizens, check the economic data base to see if serial numbers are valid.  If at any point currency is reported stolen the serial numbers of the stolen currency will become invalid and reissued.  It would be a good idea however to re-acquire any NearTopian Skins that have wondered outside of NearTopia's control.

  Citizens do however, need to accept NearTopian Bucks for international and non-citizen trades.

To obtain NearTopian Skins requires You be a NearTopian Citizen and some actual commodity.  Either U.S. Dollars to purchase the gold, obtaining the gold and exchange it for NearTopian skins, or supply a commodity to purchase gold with.

  The amount of skins issued to you is directly related to how much gold is secured.  NearTopian skins are not cheap, There is the fact it is backed by gold, however, there is also the fact it is printed by a professional currency printing outfit.  So NearTopia does not print it willy-nilly and it does cost the nation commodities to produce it.

  It is also heavily suggested you do not purchase NearTopian Skins with the intention to collect and horde them, they are intended as actual currency to be used. 

What is a NearTopian Skin actually worth compared to U.S. Dollars?

 1 Troy oz of gold is equal to 500 hours of basic labor.  This is $1.40 Per hour in U.S. Dollar terms as of price to buy gold, However... According to pay per hours, in regards to labor and what it can buy, its realized value is at $5.50 U.S.D for each skin.

  To get services from a NearTopian you will find it is more economic to use NearTopian skins, there will be a time in the future when NearTopian skins are more valuable per hour then any world currency, simply because fiat money continues to degrade, hence why the value of gold continues to climb. 

Why should I be paid with NearTopian Skins if I'm only going to make $2.78 U.S. Per Hour?

 What is worth $5 in NearTopian currency today will be worth $5 in NearTopian currency 100 years from now. (inflation proof.)  unlike U.S. dollars where $1 dollar  of value 100 years ago is now worth almost $190 Dollars today.  So you now have to earn over $230 dollars because of taxes, to get a dollars worth of items 100 years ago.  Not good.

  The primary difference you need to understand with NearTopian Dollars and U.S. Currency is:

 The Value of the NearTopian Currency needs to be understood on two levels, Value in comparison to a Troy oz of gold

and the Comparison of how many Dollars per hour a person could make.

If you look at it in comparison to buying gold, $1 NearTopian Skin is currently worth $0.70 to the U.S. Dollar

If you compare it on the labor market, $1Skin is worth on average to $5.50  U.S., at least in Washington State where the average untrained labor force gets paid an average of $11/Hour.

Important Note:  The NearTopian currency is stabilized on two levels to prevent inflation and deflation:

1st the stabilizing fact of being backed by gold so the value is a commodity and not an empty value so value is constant.

2nd the Currency value is locked into the labor market being 1/2 hour for S1 Skin, so unlike any currency on earth.  The NearTopian Skin locks the value of labor to gold, so labor has a minimum standard.  Everyone is on equal footing and if you want to do an actual comparison, $1 Skin is actually the the value of $5.50 U.S. in regards to labor (as of this update), so on the Labor scale your making the equivalent to:

$11 per hour U.S. for Basic labor

$22 per hour U.S. for General labor

$33 per hour U.S. for skilled labor

  So you will find your making good wages with NearTopian Skins.  So don't let the trade value against of U.S. dollars to NearTopian Skins fool you in it's actual labor value, even though it's economic commodity value is at $0.70 U.S. per dollar.  When you think about it the U.S. dollar is backed by $0.0 Dollars worth of gold, so which currency is really worth more?

  For those wishing to purchase NearTopian dollars your actually getting labor at a discount rate as you pay less to get the gold to back it, then what the labor value of it currently is.  Currently the labor to purchase value of a Troy oz of gold to make NearTopian Skins is $0.70 to buy $5.50 of labor.